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Is the Cloud Cost Effective for SMBs?

Written by Administrator | January 20, 2012

Small and medium-sized businesses are always struggling to compete with the big budgets of large enterprises, especially when it comes to technology resources.  The cost to house, manage and maintain an IT infrastructure on premise is often more than an SMB can afford. This leads to outdated technology, inadequate hardware and slow processes resulting in lower productivity and ultimately money loss for the company. Fear not, there is a solution! By outsourcing all your IT needs to a prominent Cloud computing provider, SMBs can realize the cost-effectiveness of the solution and refocus on their core business objectives. What does the Cloud offer SMBs? •    Leading technology applications and product upgrades •    Outsourced daily IT maintenance and management •    Reliable 99.99 percent uptime guarantee •    Ability to access data through any mobile device •    Cost-savings on software purchases, licensing fees and hardware •    Physical and logical security used by worldwide corporations and financial institutions Cloud computing providers store client data in secure data centers protected by redundant, enterprise-level firewall technologies, video surveillance, security guards, and biometric access control, which keeps data safe from both physical and cyber attacks. Providing such security on its own is just not affordable for a small business. SMB owners gain control while outsourcing their IT when they pick and choose the applications they want hosted in the cloud having as little or as many as they want. By paying only for applications, storage and users as needed, businesses are no longer forced to buy and maintain their own servers or software. Without this configuration, all users’ computing issues can be monitored and resolved by their full-service Cloud provider—saving SMBs the cost of hiring internal IT staff. This flexibility puts the power back into the hands of business owners allowing them to budget monthly for IT services and avoid costly annual capital investments. For SMBs, moving to the Cloud just makes sense. Its cost effectiveness brings with it countless other benefits, like enhanced security and mobility that maximizes an organization’s IT budget, increases productivity and drives profits.