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Accounting Industry Resources

Written by Emily Raines | September 23, 2020

Many Cetrom clients participate in local and national level accounting affiliations in order to stay up-to-date on the latest trends in the industry and earn CPE credits. The Cetrom team is heavily involved with many of these organizations and serves as a head thought leader with industry speaking engagements and over 50+ published articles across a variety of accounting-specific publications. We highly encourage all of our clients, partners, and affiliates to get involved with these initiatives in order to stay up-to-date on the latest trends in the accounting industry.

Accounting Networking Organizations

  • State CPA societies (directory): CPAs should get in touch with their respective state society to learn about networking events, local CPE opportunities, publications, relevant legislative updates, and policy changes.
  • Alliott Global Alliance (AGA): One of the world's largest global alliances of independent accounting, law and specialist firms with 185 member firms in 80 countries and 225 cities. AGA is a kinship of professionals who support and learn from each other. Together as One, they support each other's success with professionalism and a personal touch. Not just an alliance, but one global family.
  • Allinial Global: An accounting firm association of legally independent accounting and consulting firms with offices in North America and throughout the world. The member firms of Allinial Global share education, marketing resources, and technical knowledge in a wide range of services and sectors.
  • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA): The largest member association representing the accounting profession in areas of practice, including business and industry, public practice, government, education, and consulting. Network on a national level by attending some of the 60 different AICPA conferences hosted annually on auditing, accounting practice and regulation.
  • American Accounting Association (AAA): Members are invited to attend regional meetings, research conferences, and boot camps that are hosted multiple times each year. Additionally, AAA membership comes with access to an exclusive job board, publication opportunities and CPE programs.
  • Association of Accounting and Financial Professionals in Business (IMA): The same organization that oversees CMA certification is also the home to a 70,000-member professional networking experience. Member access to an exclusive online community, local chapter events, and discounted admission to the IMA Annual Conference.
  • CPA Firm Management Association (CPAFMA): This firm-based membership association focuses on serving and supporting the Firm Administrator profession. They conduct local meetings and seminars, national conferences, publications and surveys. Many of their firm members’ professional teams hold seats on state society and AICPA committees and leadership teams.
  • Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA): Members of the IIA have networking options at the local, national, and global scales through chapter events, conferences, and volunteer leadership abroad.
  • National Society of Accountants (NSA): This society is dedicated to professionals who work within the fields of auditing, accounting, management services, and estate planning.
  • National Association of Tax Professionals (NATB): Tax preparers who join the NATB can trade resources and connect via local chapter events or attend the National Conference and Expo at a discounted rate.
  • Global Body for Professional Accountants (ACCA): Members of the ACCA participate in vibrant communities both online and in-person.

Accounting Meetings & Events

  • AICPA Engage Conference: This traditionally four-day event is comprised of five+ programs on national practice, digital CPA processes and technology, a practitioner’s symposium, and a business development summit.
  • Allinial Global Summit: This conference is traditionally a two-day event comprised of tax and audit technical tracks, as well as advisory and firm management tracks.
  • Boomer Technology Circles: This is traditionally a 3-4 day event filled with firm and IT leaders from Top Firms, professional facilitators providing structure and thought leadership, and access to top experts and solution providers.
  • RainMakers Super Conference: This conference is traditionally a two-day event. Sessions focus on the latest profession and industry updates, best practices, and innovative ideas for continued success.
  • Software Provider Users Conferences: CCH, Thomson Reuters, and more accounting application providers hold annual user conferences to discuss product updates, technology solutions and resources, networking, and more.

Accounting Consulting Services

  • Boomer Consulting, Inc. (BCI): Boomer provides consulting services to hundreds of the highest performing CPA firms. Their solutions target five areas critical to a firm's success: Leadership, Talent, Technology, Process, and Growth. Their services within these areas can help your firm minimize dangers, capture opportunities, and optimize strengths.
  • K2 Enterprises (K2): K2 produces and delivers hundreds of technology seminars and conferences available to business professionals. They work with state CPA societies, associations of Chartered Accountants, and vendors of technology products. K2 also provides unique consulting services and advice on technology across the accounting industry.