News - Cetrom Information Technology, Inc.

Firm Cybersecurity Measures Must Be Proactive and Forward-Looking

Written by Emily Raines | May 12, 2020

Cetrom's President & CEO, Christopher Stark, authored the following article which appeared in CPA Practice Advisor on May 8th, 2020.

CPA firms that can strengthen their IT networks, improve their team’s ability to work from anywhere securely and enhance their data protection tools with the future in mind will come out the other side of the coronavirus pandemic stronger than ever before.

The coronavirus pandemic has knocked many market sectors for a loop, including the CPA industry. CPA firms, like other companies across the globe, have had to pivot on the fly to transition to near 100% remote work environments while trying to maintain operational continuity and client relationships.

It’s natural and necessary for CPA firms to be reactive during the COVID-19 crisis; but strong, decisive action around telework capabilities, cybersecurity and other critical risk management areas cannot be shortsighted. Lessons learned from building out a telework ecosystem and improving data security during the pandemic need to be applied to longer-term solutions that go beyond the current uncertainty of these unusual times.

CPA firms that can strengthen their IT networks, improve their team’s ability to work from anywhere securely and enhance their data protection tools with the future in mind will come out the other side of the coronavirus pandemic stronger than ever before.

Read full article in CPA Practice Advisor.