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SmartCEO Magazine: Reading Redux- Take a page from local CEOs' books

Written by Administrator | July 5, 2012

Chris Stark’s favorite business book by Verne Harnish on page 15 of the July 2012 issue of SmartCEO Magazine.

An entrepreneur is a voracious sort of reader-- always in search of the next big idea and never sure when inspiration will strike. It could be as complex as a concept or as simple as a single word, but that one elusive nugget will get a leader's blood pumping and wheels turning to take the business to the next level. Once again this summer, we asked local leaders to name the books that have become their latest inspiration. Will one of these books be yours? Mastering the Rockefeller Habits: What You Must Do to Increase the Value of Your Growing Firm By Verne Harnish Harnish takes his readers through an intense, methodical breakdown of strategies and tactics that will lead any company, large or small, to success, based largely on the beliefs and methods of John D. Rockefeller. Whether scheduling daily huddles at 8:13 a.m. to set daily priority, evaluating current progress based on hard facts and data, or ensuring strong communication throughout the entire organization, the tactics are precise and clearly laid out. I have personally implemented certain principles, in conjunction with a collection of the "best of the best" ideas that I've amassed over the years, to create a strong corporate culture and businnes model that have enabled me to organically grow my company exponentially over the past decade. It is an undeniable must-read. (more)