May 23, 2024

Best Practices for Using Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi is a convenient and widely available way to connect to the internet, but it also comes with risks and challenges. Public Wi-Fi networks are available almost everywhere – in airports, coffee shops, libraries, restaurants, malls, and hotels – making it easy for anyone to connect to the Internet at home, at work, or in a public place. Although these Wi-Fi hotspots can be convenient, they are not always secure, potentially exposing you to online risks and allowing cybercriminals to steal sensitive information. It is important to understand these risks and protect yourself while connecting to Wi-Fi networks.

Simple Tips When Working Online

  • Think before you connect. Before connecting to any public wireless hotspot – like on an airplane or in an airport, hotel, or café –confirm the network name and login procedures with the appropriate staff to ensure the network is legitimate. Cybercriminals can easily create a similarly named network, hoping that users will overlook which network is legitimate. Additionally, most hotspots are not secure and do not encrypt the information you send over the Internet, leaving it vulnerable to cybercriminals.
  • Use your mobile network connection. Your mobile network connection, known as your wireless hotspot, is generally more secure than a public wireless network. If this feature is included in your mobile plan, use it.
  • Use a VPN - Never Public WiFi. A great way to minimize public Wi-Fi security risks is to use a virtual private network (VPN). By using a VPN on public Wi-Fi, you’re accessing a private network, or VPN tunnel, through which you send and receive information, adding an extra layer of security to your connection. While some VPNs are free, you’ll likely have to pay to get the best security features. Be sure to buy your VPN from a trusted provider to ensure your data is safe.
  • Avoid conducting sensitive activities through public networks. For example, avoid online shopping, banking, and sensitive work that requires passwords or credit card information while using public Wi-Fi.
  • Keep software up to date. Install updates for apps and your device’s operating system as soon as they are available. Keeping the software on your mobile device up to date will prevent cybercriminals from being able to take advantage of known vulnerabilities.
  • Use strong passwords. Use different passwords for different accounts and devices. Do not choose options that allow your device to remember your passwords. Although it’s convenient to store the password, that potentially.
  • Disable auto-connect features and always log out. Turn off your computer or mobile device's features that allow you to connect automatically to Wi-Fi. Once you’ve finished using a network or account, log out.
  • Ensure your websites are encrypted. When entering personal information over the Internet, ensure the website is encrypted. Encrypted websites use https://. Look for https:// on every page, not just the login or welcome page. Where an encrypted option is available, you can add an “s” to the “http” address prefix and force the website to display the encrypted version.

These best practices are a part of CISA and the Department of Homeland Security’s public awareness campaign to help spread cybersecurity awareness and educate the public about security best practices when working online. For more information:

How to Avoid Phishing, Malware, and Other Online Scams

Another important aspect of using Wi-Fi safely is avoiding falling victim to phishing, malware, and other online scams. These are malicious attempts to trick you into giving away your personal or financial information, downloading harmful software, or clicking on dangerous links. Phishing, malware, and other online scams can compromise your online security and privacy and damage your devices and data.

Here are some tips to help you avoid phishing, malware, and other online scams:

  • Be wary of any unsolicited or suspicious emails, messages, calls, or pop-ups that claim to be from a legitimate organization, such as your bank, your internet provider, or a government agency. These may be phishing attempts to lure you into revealing your account details, passwords, or credit card numbers. Do not reply, click on any links, or open any attachments from these sources. Instead, contact the organization directly using a trusted phone number or website to verify the authenticity of the communication.
  • Be careful of any offers, deals, or requests that seem too good to be true, such as winning a lottery, receiving a refund, or helping a stranger in need. These scams may trick you into sending money, buying products, or sharing personal information. Do not respond, pay, or provide any information to these sources. Instead, do some research and check the credibility of the sender and the offer.
  • Be vigilant of any signs of malware infection on your devices, such as slow performance, pop-up ads, unexpected changes, or unusual activity. Malware is malicious software that can infect your devices, steal your data, spy on your online activity, or damage your system. Malware can be spread through phishing emails, infected websites, or removable media. Do not download, install, or run software or files from unknown or untrusted sources. Instead, scan your devices regularly with reputable antivirus software and delete suspicious or unwanted programs or files.

How to Update Your Devices and Apps Regularly

A fourth way to use Wi-Fi safely is to update your devices and apps regularly. Updating your devices and apps means installing the latest versions of the software, firmware, or operating system that runs on them. Updating your devices and apps can help you improve your security and privacy, fix bugs, enhance performance, and add new features.

Here are some tips to help you update your devices and apps regularly:

  • Enable automatic updates on your devices and apps whenever possible. This way, you can ensure that your devices and apps are always up to date and protected from the latest threats and vulnerabilities. You can check and change the update settings on your devices, apps, websites, or app stores.
  • Check for updates manually on your devices and apps periodically. Sometimes, automatic updates may not work correctly or be delayed or unavailable. You can check for updates manually by going to the settings, preferences, or options menu on your devices or apps or the respective websites or app stores.
  • Backup your data before updating your devices and apps. Updating your devices and apps may cause errors, glitches, or data loss. You can backup your data by copying or syncing it to another device, an external hard drive, or a cloud service. You can also use backup software or apps to automate and simplify the process.

How to Limit the Amount of Personal and Sensitive Data You Share Online

A fifth and final way to use Wi-Fi safely is to limit the amount of personal and sensitive data you share online. Personal and sensitive data are any information that can identify or reveal something about you, such as your name, address, phone number, email, social security number, bank account, credit card, health records, browsing history, or location. Sharing too much personal and sensitive data online can expose you to identity theft, fraud, blackmail, harassment, or other risks.

Here are some tips to help you limit the amount of personal and sensitive data you share online:

  • Use strong and unique passwords for your online accounts and change them regularly. Do not use the same password for multiple accounts or websites. Do not use passwords that are easy to guess or based on personal or shared information. Use a password manager app to generate and store your passwords securely.
  • Use two-factor authentication for your online accounts whenever possible. Two-factor authentication is a security feature that requires you to enter a code or a token in addition to your password to access your account. This adds an extra layer of protection and prevents unauthorized access. You can enable two-factor authentication on your account settings or preferences and use an app, a text message, or an email to receive the code or token.
  • Review and adjust the privacy and security settings of your online accounts and apps. Privacy and security settings allow you to control who can see, access, or contact you online and what information you share or receive online. You can review and adjust your privacy and security settings on your account settings or preferences and choose the options that suit your needs and comfort level.
  • Be selective and cautious about what you post, share, or send online. Do not post, share, or send anything you do not want to be seen, accessed, or used by others. Do not post, share, or send anything that could harm your reputation, relationships, or opportunities. Do not post, share, or send anything that could violate the rights, privacy, or safety of others. Before you click, remember that anything you post, share, or send online can be copied, saved, or forwarded by others.
  • Delete or deactivate any online accounts or apps you no longer need. Unused or unwanted online accounts or apps can pose a security and privacy risk, as they may contain personal or sensitive data that could be accessed or exploited by hackers or other parties. You can delete or deactivate any online accounts or apps by going to the settings, preferences, or options menu on the respective websites or app stores and following the instructions.


Using Wi-Fi safely is not only a matter of convenience but also a matter of security and privacy. By following the best practices outlined in this article, you can enjoy the benefits of Wi-Fi without compromising your online safety and privacy.

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